How to select an insurance agent to help you with your needs. You want to select an agent that will listen to your needs and help to formulate some options for you. They should be able to assist you review the coverage and share the pros and cons for each coverage. They should as well advise you to keep your current coverage if that is a better choice for your specific situation. We suggest working with an agent that is an independent broker, this allows them to have multiple products to share with you. There is no extra charge for working with an insurance agent, they are paid when you enroll in a plan. Have a question, we offer a free consultation to assist you with your insurance needs. Call us today to schedule your appointment.
Health Insurance Plan Selection Assistance
Are you struggling with what to do with facing a health insurance plan change for you and your family. You can work with a broker to help remove the stress out of making a health plan change by leveraging our expertise. We can help you compare options like Cobra vs the other choices you have for coverage. Call us today for your consultation. We can make this simple for you.