RF Insurance Masters, Ray Freer was included this month in the Advisors Magazine September 2017 issue page 38 with our view on the current situation of health insurance choices. As an insurance agent, it has been a difficult time trying to help our clients find the best coverage for their needs with the limited number of choices of carriers and plan designs. The largest challenges are the finding their doctors participating in the carriers Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) networks. In Texas we are limited to the HMO plans only not allow members to choose doctors outside of the network and have their visit covered. The other large challenge is how to keep the premiums affordable with the benefits the client is hoping to have. Sometimes it will force a client to give up some of their current doctors to make the premiums lower by choosing another carrier that does not have their doctor in network. For an agent, it has been a hard couple of years assisting clients and finding that the best choice for them falls far below their expectations. We hope that we will see more choices in health insurance and better networks as this affordable care act continues to evolve.

RF Insurance Masters, Ray Freer was featured in the September 2017 issue of Advisors Magazine.
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